Wissenschaftliche Studien
Übersicht Journale

Insgesamt liegen mehr als 600 wissenschaftliche Arbeiten über die Auswirkungen der Technik der Transzendentalen Meditation vor, die an 250 Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen in über 30 Ländern erstellt wurden. Davon sind über 40 Arbeiten aus dem Bereich der Soziologie (Verbesserte Kollektivgesundheit – Maharishi-, bzw. 1%-Effekt). Diese soziologischen Arbeiten bestätigen, dass durch die Ausübung der Technik der Transzendentalen Meditation und des TM-Sidhi Programms (Yoga-Fortgeschrittenentechnik) ein positiver Effekt auf das Kollektivbewusstsein nachweisbar ist.


U.a. wurden folgende statistisch signifikante Veränderungen festgestellt:

Infektionskrankheiten –20%
Kindersterblichkeit –15%
Spitalseinweisungen –30%
Verkehrstote –18%
Kriminalität allg. –17%
Gewaltverbrechen –10%


Journal of Conflict Resolution 32 (1988): 776-812.
Psychosomatic Medicine 49 (1987): 493-507.
The Journal of Mind and Behavior 8 (1987): 67-104.
The Journal of Mind and Behavior 9 (1989): 457-486.
Social Science Perspectives Journal 2 (1988): 127-146.
Social Indicators Research 22 (1990): 399-418.
Journal of Criminal Justice 4 (1981): 25-45.
Journal of Criminal Justice 15 (1987): 211-230.
International Journal of Comparitive and Applied Criminal Justice 11 (1987): 111-132


Brief Summary of Principal Research Findings

Research Overview

Social Indicators Research (47: 153–201, 1999)
Reduced Violent Crime in Washington — The most recent study, a National Demonstration Project conducted in Washington, D.C., from June 7 to July 30, 1993, tested the efficacy of a coherence-creating group for reducing crime and social stress and improving the effectiveness of government. In this carefully controlled experiment, the group increased from 800 to 4,000 over the two-month period. Although violent crime had been steadily increasing during the first five months of the year, soon after the start of the study, violent crime (measured by FBI Uniform Crime Statistics) began decreasing and continued to drop until the end of the experiment (maximum decrease 23.6%, p<.0001), after which it began to rise again. The effects of the group could not be attributed to other possible causes, including temperature, precipitation, weekends, and police and community anti-crime activities.

Journal of Conflict Resolution (32: 776–812, 1988)
Journal of Conflict Resolution (34: 756–768, 1990)
Reduced War Deaths — A day-by-day study of a two-month TM coherence-creating assembly in Israel in 1983 showed that, on days when the number of participants in the assembly was high, war deaths in neighboring Lebanon dropped by 76%. During these two months, crime, traffic accidents, and fires all declined in Israel. Other possible causes (weekends, holidays, weather, etc.) were statistically controlled for.


Journal of Mind and Behavior (9: 457–486, 1989)
Reduced Crime in Washington — A two-year study of weekly data from October 1981 through October 1983 found that increases in the size of a large TM coherence-creating group in Washington, D.C., were followed by significant reductions in violent crime. Weekly violent crime totals in Washington decreased 11.8% during the 2-year period. Time series analysis verified that this decrease in crime could not have been due to changes in the percentage of the population who were of young-adult age, nor Neighborhood Watch programs, nor changes in police policies or procedures.


Journal of Mind and Behavior (9: 457–486, 1989)
Reduced Crime in U.S. Cities — A study of a random sample of 160 U.S. cities found that increasing the numbers of Transcendental Meditation participants in the 160 cities over a 7-year period (1972- 1978) was followed by reductions in crime rate. The study used data from the FBI Uniform Crime Index total and controlled for other variables known to affect crime.


Journal of Mind and Behavior (8: 67–104, 1987)
Reduced Violent Crime — Coherence-creating assemblies in Manila, New Delhi, Puerto Rico, and Washington, D.C., all corresponded with statistically significant declines in violent crime. In these studies, alternative explanations were explored and could not account for the findings.


Orme-Johnson DW. Quantifying the field effects of consciousness: From increased EEG
coherence to reduced international terrorism. In: Chez RA, editor. Proceedings: Bridging
Worlds and Filling Gaps in the Science of Healing. Corona del Mar, CA: Samueli Institute for
Informational Biology, 2002:326-346.